The mission of CCO Radio is to empower the voice of Chicago youth specially the communities that we at Catalyst Schools serve. We believe that the creative venues like Radio and Television will give voices not only to the scholars at Catalyst but around world as well. CCO Radio’s biggest hope is to give our scholars opportunity to share their ideas, vision, and passion.
Our Team
Mr. Shamim: Director in charge of CCO Radio. He created a vision to give students a chance at self expression and to give them a experience unlike any other in hopes they will find a love for effective communication.
Miss. Jay: A dynamic Station Manager who has helped with programing and ideas for shows. Along with this she also helps teach students all the in's and out's of radio from production, to writing scripts, and even to how to hold interviews.
Where it all began
CCO Radios started off as a "Design and Innovations" class lead by Mr. Shamim, the seniors and juniors at Catalyst Maria High School went on a Tech adventure, from coding, design, to working on our very own radio station.
During the initial stages, the Design and Innovations course was divided into four departments - Music, Marketing, Coding/Design, and Hardware. The scholars collectively met each Friday for a round table meeting to discuss their achievements for the week and how their department helped the rest of the team. The team was able to launch our radio station the last week of the first semester and lots of behind the scene work has been completed.